SQL Statements
--1) Reseed Indentity column --drop table TABLE_NAME if exists (select * from sys.objects where name='TABLE_NAME') drop table TABLE_NAME create table TABLE_NAME (ID int primary key identity (1,1),Increment int ) insert into TABLE_NAME (Increment ) values(1) insert into TABLE_NAME (Increment ) values(1) insert into TABLE_NAME (Increment ) values(1) insert into TABLE_NAME (Increment ) values(1) select 'Max of id is ' ,max(id) from TABLE_NAME delete from TABLE_NAME select 'Max of id after delete ', isnull(max(id),0) from TABLE_NAME insert into TABLE_NAME (Increment ) values(1) insert into TABLE_NAME (Increment ) values(1) insert into TABLE_NAME (Increment ) values(1) insert into TABLE_NAME (Increment ) values(1) select 'Max of id after delete insert', max(id) from TABLE_NAME --Reseed the Identity column with with one, so that the autoincremented delete TABLE_NAME DBCC CHECKIDENT (TABLE_NAME, RESEED, 1) insert into TABLE_NA...